
Office Polonais de Tourisme à Bruxelles, avenue de la Renaissance 20 bte 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Tél. +32 2 740 06 20,
Attachments:NOBU Hotel Warsaw presentation eng.pdf[ ]2423 kB
NOBU_FactsheetA4 ENGLISH - Copy.pdf[ ]3952 kB
Attachments:2021 Polish TO Incoming ALL MARKETS.pdf[ ]363 kB
Belgian Tour Operators[ ]647 kB
Belgium - Polish Touroperators Incoming 2021.pdf[ ]237 kB
Our professional meetings organizers will provide you with all essential products and services needed to plan a meeting or event in Poland. Keeping their approach professional and pertinent, they combine it with imagination and creativity, that is why even the most traditional meeting will be remembered as innovative by its participants.