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Town Walls in Krapkowice


Type d'unité:

The town Krapkowice invites to visit monumental town walls.

Town walls - mentioned in 1384 and 1418. In 1829 "Odrzańska" gate was destroyed, the same happened with "Górna" gate in 1838. In 1840 - 1860 there was levelling of a town moat and demolition of "Kozielska" and "Opolska" gates. Around 1895, lots parts of walls were demolished. There are preserved some parts of old stockade: tower of "Górna" gate with walls at Basztowa street, piece of wall in the north-east corner of town and lowered part of wall in south-west part. The walls bulit of rubble, probably in XIV century, were transformed and renovated later.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

47-300 Krapkowice
Province: OPOLSKIE
La latitude et la longitude: 50.4745052,17.9651385
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00