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AccueilAttractions touristiquesPatrimoineThe Entail Administration in Zamość Complex

The Entail Administration in Zamość Complex

Worth to visit.

This complex consists of a few buildings:
- the main building - dated back to the 19th century, late Calssical, stone, one-storey building; nowadays used a s a school,

- side building - late-Classical style, stone, build on a rectangular plan, one-storey building dated back to the 19th century, nowadays used as a boarding house,

- 'Prałatówka' - a stone building dated back to the 19th century,  one-storey, late-Classical building, build on a rectangular plan,

- northern outbuilding - stone building, today used as a day0care room and a school canteen,

- western outbuilding - stone, late-Classical, one-storey building, dated back to the 19th century, nowadays used as a boarding houyse.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

22-470 Zwierzyniec
La latitude et la longitude: 50.614,22.9751
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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00