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The court Garden - Sikory

Court Garden comprised the surface of 3, 5 hectare, and it came into being in the XVI century.

Court Garden came into being in the XVI century. At the moment it comprises about 3, 5 hectare. Sikory village is known from XVI century historical sources, first it was named Nareśla-Sikory. Probably the settlement came into being at the end of XV century or at the begining of XVI century. The village was laid on the historical border between Polish and Lithuanian colonization. After the Second World War had begun, in manor-house was placed the base of NKWD and a jail. After 1944 noble good was nationalized.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

La latitude et la longitude: 53.3953,22.8807
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00