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Parish Church Square (Plac po Farze)


Type d'unité:

Plac po Farze (The Parish Church Square) is an unusual but tangible way to demonstrate the defunct St. Michael Church.

The Parish Church Square is named after the defunck St. Michael Church. The tower, which belonged to the church, was the highest building in the city.  Currently  the walls are visible outline of the historical reconstruction of the former temple. The special atmosphere of the place is filling the floor to emphasize the "inside" and the night, discreet lighting.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Po Farze
La latitude et la longitude: 51.24,22.57
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00