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Orthodox Church of St. Michael (Michajłowska)


Type d'unité:

The decor of Church is dominated by three iconostases : main iconostas from 1875 and two side-iconostases from 1862 with beautiful, gilded decorations. In the Church you can find icons from 18th and 19th centuries and graced windows.

The rise of the Orthodox Church of St. Michael is tieded strictly with the Castle in Bielsk Podlaski, nearby of whom the temple was located. The tradition speaks about the prince Michał Semenowicz who founded the Church in secound half of 15th century. One hundred years later the Orthodox Church was called Bogojawleńska (Orthodox Church dedicatet to the Transfiguration of Christ). Such a name possessed also friars, who was in Bielsk since 1594. Thanks to friars the Orthodox Church was accepted for the union not before in 1645. The temple was being rebuilt or extended several times. In 1789 citizens of Bielsk built new temple on the same place which was dasigned in accordance to the plan of Greek cross. Originally on the western side was located small vestibule, above which in 1914 was constructed a tower with the belfry. In 1989 three-copulas altar part of the temple was consecrated. The decor of Church is dominated by three iconostases : main iconostas from 1875 and two side-iconostases from 1862 with beautiful, gilded decorations. In the Church you can find icons from 18th and 19th centuries and graced windows. The lump of the main aisle looks monumental thanks to six graced, wooden columns.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

17-100 Bielsk Podlaski
La latitude et la longitude: 52.7674,23.1909
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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00