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Holy Spirit Church in Torun


Type d'unité:

The church on the Main Market Place invites the tourists to its interior. It is worth to come in and listen the unique tone of Rococo pipe organ.

Post-Evangelical Church of Holy Spirit dates back to the 18th century. It is an academic church of The University of Nicolas Copernicby, conducted by the Jesuits.

The most precious monuments are the beautiful inlaid gate, Rococo altar and Rococo pulpit. The three-aisled church was built in the 1756 according to Efrain Schroger's project. It was payed by the Protestants who lost the church after the Torun tumult in the 1724. The current 64-meter high tower was created only in the 1897-99. Initially the temple was the Evangelical Church but  since 1945 it belongs to the Jesuits who lead there a university pastoral work. The Rococo equipment  with the main altar (by the Torun master John A. Langenhahn) comes from 1756. The two intartsia gates  are counted among the best achievements of Torun artistic carpentry. The gate represents the scenes of the Martyr's Death and the Resurrection of Christ.

In 1989 a fire in the church destroyed 18th-c organe pipes.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Piekary market 24
87-100 Toruń
La latitude et la longitude: 53.010097,18.603926
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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00