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Church of Heart of Jesus in Stradunia


Type d'unité:

Stradunia invites to visit neo-gothic church of Heart of Jesus, which is connected with some real story.

Neogothic church built in 1922 by tenants of the village. There is probably some real story connected with building the church. Presumably, on 13th of September, 1921, an old miller Umlauf finished his work a half hour before midnight. Because he was tired, he sat on a banch. Above a barn there appeared a glowing pillar of fire that lasted for some long time. The scared miller went to his friends, and then they went together to see a rich man-Aleksander Woszczyzna who was an owner of an inn. After having a long discussion, they came to conclusion that the pillar of fire pointed at a place where should have been built a church so they built a church there. The most precious monuments of church are: a painting of Heart of Jesus, a figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, Franciscan altar with a painting of Christ taken from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea, Mary's altar with figures of St. Agnes and St. Alojzy, painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You can also listen to a sounds of bells at noon on tower of the church. One of the bell is from 1813 and was removed to the nearby two-storey chapel-bell tower.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Opolska, Stradunia street 48
47-341 Stradunia
Province: OPOLSKIE
La latitude et la longitude: 50.4114,18.0483
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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00