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Theatre Arlekin


Puppet Theatre "Arlekin" was founded by Henryk Ryl and the first performance was held on 30, December 1948.

Arlekin" is located in a beautiful, art nouvou building from 1902. It has 3 stages - the grand one with 200 seatings, small with 150 seatings and cameral one which can seat 60 people audience, but is used as a ballet studio "Arlekin" also has one of the best workshops in Poland. Puppet Theatre Arlekin has produced 250 premiere performances for the last sixty years of its existence; thirty one thousand shows have been watched by nearly eleven million spectators. The current offer includes: traditional dolls performances, but also those combined with a live actors play, string marionette technique performances, Japanese theatre Bunrak spectacles, adult and educational spectacles, but also workshops and the unique in Poland, one of few in the world, already acclaimed abroad International Festival of Solo Puppeteers the next edition of which will take place in the year 2009.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

1-go Maja street 2
Province: ŁÓDZKIE
La latitude et la longitude: 51.771001,19.438114
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00