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The Tortures Museum


Type d'unité:

The Torture Museum is a permanent exhibition of the Lubuskie Regional Museum is the Poland's biggest exhibition presenting history of the criminal law, system of penalties and torture methods from the Middle Ages till 18th century.

The museum at the size of 200 sw. m has showpieces related to the history of Lower Silesia and Brandenburg but specially to Zielona Góra/Grünberg. Among them there are original and very precious: stones of shame, manacles, stocks. The Stones of shame were one of the most popular devices used in the Middle Ages, but were still in used as long as till 18th century. Although the shape of the stones could differ, the appliance was always the same. The punishment of walking around with the stones was designed especially for women accused for gossip and puissance. The condemned should walk in the public space, mostly at market place, with the stones hanging on her neck. The Protocol Book of the trial against Grünberger Witches from 1663-1665 when 23 women were burnt on stakes.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Niepodległości avenue 15
65-048 Zielona Góra
Province: LUBUSKIE
La latitude et la longitude: 51.9417,15.5088
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00