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The Architectural Trail


Type d'itinéraire
- parcours kayak
Le niveau de difficulté
- Pour débutants
- Lublin
- Lublin
La longueur de la piste
- 3 km
Durée estimée
- 3


Lubelski Osrodek Informacji Turystycznej
Jezuicka 3/1
20-113 Lublin

Lublin, the largest city east of the Vistula River, has had a long and eventful history. The first settlers appeared here in the 6th c. but it was in 1317 that Lublin received a municipal charter from King Ladislaus I the Elbow-high and became a town

Lublin, the largest city east of the Vistula River, has had a long and eventful history. The first settlers appeared here in the 6th c. but it was in 1317 that Lublin received a municipal charter from King Ladislaus I the Elbow-high and became a town. The oldest historic building in Lublin and in the whole region is the 13th-century fortified tower on the Castle Hill. Over centuries Lublin's architecture developed in a variety of styles ranging from Romanesque to contemporary modern, and in many forms and functions: sacral and secular, defensive and residential, private and municipal. The Architectural Trail calls on the most outstanding buildings designed by famous architects and erected by renowned master builders.

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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00