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AccueilAttractions touristiquesSt. Mary Church in Tarnow (Burek)

St. Mary Church in Tarnow (Burek)


Type d'unité:
- Czas zwiedzania: ok. 15-30 minut.

Assumptioned St Mary's church from 1458, tower from about 1910; one nave; carcass construction.

Interior: paintings and sculptures from 16-19 century. The church has one nave. There is a sacristy next to the narrower closed with three walls presbytery. There are church-porches next to the nave and in the tower's basement. The church's interior is covered with flat vault. The church' fittings mainly come from 18 century. In the main rococo altar there is a gothic-renaissance, famous for miracles, painting of St Mary with the Baby from 16 century, repainted in 18 century. A parapet wall of a late renaissance choir from 1621 is ornamented with sculptured coats of arms. The most valuable relics are triptychs: a gothic one from the beginning of 16 century with a sculpture of Resurrected Christ; and a gothic-renaissance one, from the first half of 16 century, with pictures of St Family.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Najświętszej Panny Marii street 1
33-100 Tarnów
La latitude et la longitude: 50.008833,20.988417
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Notre adresse

Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00